
Let's plan & organize our design and animation work!

Planning and organizing your design work or animation work is crucial for ensuring that you stay on track, meet deadlines, and produce high-quality results.

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Digital painting and Matte Painting

Digital painting and matte painting are two distinct yet intertwined techniques used in the film and television industry, as well as in video games, commercials, and other forms of media, to create the illusion of environments, locations, and settings that do not exist in the real world.

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Compositing & Vfx in Music Video Industry

Compositing and visual effects (VFX) play a vital role in the music video industry, allowing filmmakers to create immersive and visually stunning music videos that capture the attention of viewers

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2D Animation is it worth to be part of this industry?

The world of animation has come a long way since the days of pencils and light boxes, when animators would spend months drawing every inch of motion film by hand.

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Motion Design Everywhere from Movies to Youtube

As an artist, creativity is your lifeblood. It is what sets you apart from others and what drives your passion for your craft.

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